
The Pisces Man

Represented by a pair of fish, Pisces is the final sign in the Zodiac. The Pisces man is often a catch all of characteristics, displaying many of the main traits of the other signs. He is generous and unworldly. The inner journey, the spiritual quest, and the emotional realm are what the Pisces man's general focus. The emotions are what define this man.

This sentimental emphasis also means that he is highly intuitive and he is able to sense what others are thinking or feeling almost telepathically.

Speak to a Pisces man and you will often feel like you are having a conversation with someone who's living in two different worlds. His mind will be half in this one and half in the other. The illusory world of dreams, shadows, and secrets is as valid to the Piscean as the reality of this one, sometimes more so. Ideals, ideas, and the imaginary – a Pisces man espouses these above the more ordinary reality of physical sensation. This inner focus of the Pisces man makes him mysterious and enigmatic to many people. It is hard to dig down to what he's really thinking or feeling and he does not betray his own confidences lightly.

Both adorable goldfish and predatory shark, a Piscean often displays a duality in his personality. Epitomizing his water element, he is fluid and easygoing, always swimming with the current and going with the flow. Like any current, this relaxed approach often belies a deeper underflow. The calm, collected facade of a Pisces man often hides his passionate and sensitive inner turmoil. He possesses a strong and vivid imagination, expressing his thoughts through writing, dance, or song. Extraordinary and creative, the Pisces man is often found making a splash in the arts industry.

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