
The Aquarius Love tips

Freedom is an essential part of an Aquarians lifestyle so many prefer to remain single for as long as possible.  Life will be made much easier for you if you're fortunate enough to meet someone who can respect this need.  This will actually enhance your love for that person.

Your opinions about true love are quite strong and so are your feelings.  You are not traditional in nature and may show your love in a way that could be quite disconcerting to those who have not been reared in the same way you have.  You have an individual and unique view on life and the way you approach a relationship may be a little uncomfortable for others because you are just so different. It's not a bad idea to test the waters first before shocking people with your antics.

As an Aquarian you will want to have a friendship with your loved one and may even enjoy a living-apart relationship.  Who knows, this may work perfectly well for you both but only if your partner is on the same wavelength as you and understands your need for freedom.

You need relationships that can help you grow and allow your mind to remain constantly active.  Your love of exploring the possibilities that are available to you could at times break the barriers of what is considered "normal" in society.  In your young years you will push these ideas to the limits for the simple reason that you can they say "been there, done that".  Later on you may settle down to a more typical approach to relationships but with the full satisfaction of knowing that you at least explored those avenues to their natural conclusion.

The typical Aquarian will expect understanding and tolerance of their oddities and personal freedom of movement and action and will guard their independence jealously. Equality is extremely essential in any relationship and if someone tries to exert an unfair level of control over you, you can be absolutely sure that it will backfire on them and bring the relationship crashing down.  As long as you have a mutually sharing style relationship, you will be happy.

Asking for your needs to be met doesn't present you with any problems at all, irrespective of what those needs may be.  You're honest, perhaps even blunt some would say, but there'll be no ambiguity about where you're coming from.  Although you're loyal and trustworthy as a friend and lover, you need that freedom and independence to explore unique friendships along the way.  Hopefully you'll find a liberal minded partner who understands that this is just your way of growing as a human being.

You'd probably be rather embarrassed if anyone saw your secret list of the most admirable traits to look for in a partner as I can say for certainty that they will not resemble any of your friends preferences.  Your list is likely to contain some of the most farfetched and unusual points and you may in fact secretly desire someone who is very unusual in your group; a person that would be commented on to be "out there", a free thinking individual who has the world to conquer.

There's a strong social element to the sign of Aquarius and your partner will need to accept this.  Parties, groups, clubs and other organizations which are connected with spiritual or social issues but offer a socially entertaining backdrop, are all necessary for your mental and emotional wellbeing. If your partner is prepared to join in and support you in all these endeavors, well and good.  This will only serve to enhance the relationship and the love you have for each other.

Your search for love and meaning will continue throughout your life, on your own terms. You're not afraid of societal taboos and are in fact even likely to continue to investigate these forbidden sexual and emotional avenues. If someone is prepared to join you on this journey and share in the excitement and joy that comes from this relationships, then you'll be all the better for it.  If however you find yourself with someone who is unaware of the world's greater needs, you'll be off to greener pastures.

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